Past Bobo Project

One-Stop Shop For Small Business Growth

Problems Solved Include

Deliver a clear budgeting plan for the mayor of a US City for how to allocate finite budget for a political campaign, as a function of political big data.

Solve a discrepency between actual and expected shipping costs, for a large-scale E-Commerce shop.

Create a custom point-of-sale system for a jeweler for trade show client and order management – with predictive P&L Analytics built in.

Build a financial model for complex employee compensation plans for a consulting firm.

Build Monte Carlo pricing and simulation software that balance profitability, with the sufficiently high win frequency for players to ensure game attractiveness.

Deliver a patent valuation model to the CEO of a pharmaceutical firm, for use in valueing a patent his firm owns – being targeted for acquisition by big pharma.

Project Type:

Ongoing Project

Project Budget

$100/month to $1,000/month

Skills and Expertise


Project Duration:

More than 1 year
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