Past Bobo Project

Need excel workbook managing separate film and actor databases with ability to match specific info.

I have a relatively straightforward need.
I have an excel workbook where I’ve created a list of movies, including columns for Title/Size/Date.
The “title” cells are a text string that includes the name of the movie, the film company, the lead actors, and the year the movie was released. However, this data is unstructured, so each of those elements may be in different order, so it’s important to be able to positively identify each element. I have a separate sheet with a list of actors with the columns first/last/full.

I want to look in the title string and pull out any matches for first/last/full that exist between the two data sets. I need to be able to identify and match specific text substrings (names) in the “title” that match actor names inside an array in a separate sheet. I’d like to be able to separate out first/last/full, or any other specific string I’m looking for for each movie, then copy the first/last/full data into new cells to expand the film database set of information.

I’ve included a sample file to visualize the need a little better.

Project Type:

One-time project

Project Budget


Skills and Expertise

Microsoft Excel, Database

Project Duration:

1 month

Client’s Feedback:

“Chris did an outstanding job at listening to what I needed, and was extremely professional all the way through the contact. I will absolutely use him the next time I have a hardcore spreadsheet project.”

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